Ok, here’s a little reverse psychology for you…

Anyone who knows me knows that I love talking about Real Estate Investing and my experiences so far… both good and bad.

And almost everyone I talk to dreams of owning a rental property, but just haven’t taken the leap for one reason or another.

What I find is that there are a few common reasons (or excuses?) holding everyone back.

With that in mind, here’s how I would suggest you go about NOT pursuing your dream of becoming a Real Estate Investor:

Two individuals whisper at a table

Look only at the Downside

Don’t get control of your Finances

Don’t ask experts for help or advice

Don’t read books on investing

Don’t set goals for your future

Watch more TV

Spend more money on “stuff”

Don’t follow your curiosity

Don’t do anything because you don’t know exactly what to do

Keep doing what you’re doing


Do any of these apply to you?  Do you have that burning desire to do something, but you just don’t know where to start?


Ok then, here’s what I would suggest:


  1. Start by looking seriously at your mindset around these 10 points.  Is inactivity or fear holding you back from taking action?  What excuses are you making based on lack of information or incorrect assumptions?

  2. Start reading and visualizing.  You’ll eventually shift your mindset to the point where you’ll absolutely need to take action and it will feel like the natural next step.

  3. Get a blank notebook and start writing your goals and dreams.  Make notes on your current financial situation and ways that you can make improvements.  Keep these notes with you and review them every once in a while to keep yourself on track.  It’s kinda neat to be able to look back and see how far you’ve come…I still have notes from almost 10 years ago and most of the things that I wrote about have become reality.

  4. Take small steps.  Just do something, like scheduling an appointment with your Mortgage Broker or writing out your long-term goals.  You’ll be amazed how small actions can start things moving in the direction that you desire.

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